Captus National Knowledge Exam Prep Course

Your Updated National Knowledge Exam (NKE) Prep Course from Captus

"I passed my CPHR exam. Your course was worth its weight in gold and your service was second to none." B.R. 2019

"This resource was significantly instrumental to my passing the CPHR NKE..." C.O. 2020

The only online prep course that includes: interactivity in a discussion board with our leading content expert; nearly 32 hours of multimedia lecture presentations with review quizzes; four practice exams, and a revised NKE Preparation handbook in e-book format. The course provides both broad and in-depth coverage of the Competency Framework, along with many assessment resources to help you study and test your readiness to write the NKE.

Complete your NKE Coursework Requirement in the CPHR Academic Program

Important Features of the NKE Prep Course and Your Advantages

The Captus NKE Prep Course has been newly updated to match the coverage of the New Competency Framework. You will receive access for 18 weeks, which may be economically extended if you wish.

  • The ability to create a customized study plan that starts with a Diagnostic pre-test, which assesses your knowledge level, provides feedback, identifies areas that need revision and suggests sources for learning the important content.
    Your Advantage: You can display (and print out) the entire test and diagnostic feedback document at any time for easy access to the specific Competencies you need to review!
  • Access nearly 32 hours of interactive multimedia lectures, available 24 X 7 and equivalent to about 80 hours of class time. A detailed glossary, our new in-course Handbook and references to other HR texts are also provided to help you cover the required content of the competency framework.
    Your Advantage: More instructional content and all parts of the lectures are available for selective access 24 X 7! You do not need to access parts that you do not need to review!
  • The CPHR NKE Preparation Handbook in e-book format provides you with 300 pages of concise coverage of key concepts of the Competency Framework, conveniently organized by Competency.
    Your Advantage: Easily locate, study and review the required Competencies. An Ideal study resource to accompany the lectures.
  • Interactive quizzes and progress tests with automatic feedback to monitor your learning progress through the lectures and Handbook.
    Your Advantage: You can display and print out all the feedback documents! This helps you keep track of what you already know and what you need to learn.
  • Four timed practice exams with 600 multiple choice questions.
    Your Advantage: Four practice exams provide you with 450 practice questions on the Competency Framework that is covered in the NKE! They are similar to the NKE questions in format, coverage and level of difficulty. (Please note the practice exam questions in the prep course may not closely reflect the actual questions in the NKE.)
  • A moderated discussion board allows you to collaborate and form study groups with fellow prep course participants, ask our content expert, Mirit Grabarski, to answer your questions about the course content and practice exams.
    Your Advantage: Access to a content expert ensures that your questions can be answered. A totally pre-scripted course cannot do that!
  • Cost: New Registrations cost $373 plus GST (or HST) for 18 weeks access. You may also extend your previous registration for $42 for each 4 week extension (within one year of registration).

Click here to extend your previously purchased access for $42 for each 4 week extension (within one year of registration).